Abstract Submissions
Please adhere to the following formatting guidelines. Use the sample abstract here for guidance.
Abstract Title and Authors:
List author given names and surnames. Place an asterisk (*) after the presenting author’s name. The name of the institution(s) and department(s) should follow the last author’s name. Please include the e-mail address of the corresponding author at the author affiliations. See the sample abstract here for formatting.
Abstract Content:
Abstracts should provide all of the following. It is not necessary to use separate headings for each section.
Introduction. Provide a sentence or two so readers can understanding the context of your work.
Objective. There should be a brief statement of the study objectives.
Methods. Provide a brief description of the experimental methods used.
Results. Essential results including core data should be clearly stated in the abstract content.
Conclusion. Include a concluding statement that explicitly states the findings and implications.
Supporting funds. Please acknowledge sources of research funds for the project.