Scientist Profiles A-F

Chase R. Figley, PhD

Currently recruiting Graduate Students - Click here to learn more

Masters (MSc) and Doctoral (PhD) students in the lab may be admitted through the Biomedical Engineering, Medical Physics, or Physiology and Pathophysiology graduate programs. All applicants must have completed, or be in the process of completing, a 4-year undergraduate degree in: i) Health Sciences with a strong quantitative focus (e.g., neuroscience, physiology, psychology, etc.); ii) Natural Sciences (e.g., biology, computer science, physics, etc.); or iii) Engineering (biomedical, electrical and/or computer, etc.). Prospective students should have prior research experience and a GPA of at least 4.0 on the 4.5 scale (equivalent to a US GPA of 3.7 on the 4.0 scale).

Currently recruiting Postdoctoral fellows - Click here to learn more

Postdoctoral Fellowship (PDF) applicants must have completed, or be in the process of completing, a PhD in Neuroscience, Medical Physics, Biomedical Engineering, or a closely related discipline; should have prior medical imaging (preferably human MRI) research experience; and a history of peer-reviewed publications and/or presentations. To discuss potential opportunities, please send an introductory email with a current CV.

Appointments & Affiliations

Associate Professor
Department of Radiology
Rady Faculty of Health Sciences - Max Rady College of Medicine
University of Manitoba

Core Member
Biomedical Engineering Graduate Program, University of Manitoba

Principal Investigator
Neuroscience Research Program, Winnipeg Health Sciences Centre

Manitoba Multiple Sclerosis Research Centre, University of Manitoba (Associate Director)
University of Manitoba, Other Program

Research Information

Human Brain MRI, Connectome, Structural Connectivity, Functional Connectivity

Briefly, our research focuses on the development and application of advanced neuroimaging methods to investigate structural and functional brain connectivity in both health and disease (with a particular focus on multiple sclerosis). His work also explores the relationships between brain structure and function, utilizing techniques such as diffusion MRI, functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI), myelin water imaging (MWI), and voxel-based morphometry (VBM).

Expanded Summary
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Delving into slightly more detail, some of the particular research areas we are pursuing include:

1. Evaluations Of and Comparisons Between Different Quantitative Structural MRI Metrics

Comparing various quantitative structural MRI measures, including: diffusion MRI metrics (i.e., fractional anisotropy, axial diffusivity, radial diffusivity, and mean diffusivity), myelin water imaging metrics (i.e., myelin water fraction, geometric mean T2, intra/extracellular water fraction), and T1w/T2w ratio. This work has important implications for interpreting what different metrics are sensitive to (i.e., in terms of specific anatomical/physiological characteristics), and what some of the particular limitations are of certain metrics.

2. Creation and Characterization of Functionally-Defined Human White Matter Atlases Underlying Intrinsic Brain Networks

We have developed and characterized the first comprehensive atlas of human white matter regions associated with functionally-connected resting-state brain networks. The creation and subsequent characterization of these atlases, have been described in a series of peer-reviewed publications, and the atlases themselves have been made publicly-available through the Neuroimaging Tools & Resources Collaboratory (NITRC) website (

3. Development and Validation of an Automated 3D Centerline Extraction Algorithm

My lab has developed a novel method to accurately, efficiently, and automatically extract centerlines from digital 3D objects, including complex anatomical structures segmented from medical imaging data (e.g., the aforementioned functionally-defined white matter atlases). The method has already been validated using both standard 3D benchmark objects, as well as more complex anatomical structures segmented from medical images, demonstrating its ability to extract accurate centerlines from objects with highly complex 3D trajectories.

4. Evaluating White Matter Changes Related to Multiple Sclerosis

Application of the aforementioned acquisition and analysis methods (along with others) to study the characteristics and spatio-temporal changes of both normal appearing white matter and white matter lesions caused by multiple sclerosis -- along with how these are related to changes in cognitive function and alterations in brain functional connectivity.


Research Staff and Trainees


Contact Information

Winnipeg Health Sciences Centre
820 Sherbrook Street, Room MS-793
R3A 1R9

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Research Gate