We are seeking a highly-motivated postdoctoral fellow to join our lab. Please contact me by email to learn more.
Tabrez J. Siddiqui, MSc., PhD.
Currently recruiting Graduate Students - Click here to learn more
Currently recruiting Postdoctoral fellows - Click here to learn more
Appointments & Affiliations
Associate Professor
Department of Physiology and Pathophysiology
Rady Faculty of Health Sciences - Max Rady College of Medicine
University of Manitoba
Principal Investigator
Biomedical Engineering Graduate Program, University of Manitoba
Principal Investigator
Children's Hospital Research Institute of Manitoba
Principal Investigator
Neuroscience Research Program, Winnipeg Health Sciences Centre
Research Information
Synapse organization, synaptic plasticity, synaptogenesis, synaptic specificity, Molecular logic of neural circuits, autism spectrum disorder, schizophrenia, OCD,
The Siddiqui lab employs a multidisciplinary approach to understanding how neuronal circuits are formed and altered by experience, and how they are disrupted in neurodevelopmental and psychiatric disorders.
Expanded Summary
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Synapse organizing proteins coordinate the broad spectrum of processes constituting synapse development, including formation and maintenance of synapses, as well as mediating experience-dependent changes in synaptic properties, a phenomenon known as synaptic plasticity. Numerous mutations or copy number variations in genes encoding synapse organizers disrupt synaptic function and increase the risk for neuropsychiatric disorders such as autism and schizophrenia.
The goals of the Siddiqui research program are:
1. to determine the molecular mechanisms of synapse development and function in both the developing and mature brain
2. to determine the mechanisms governing long lasting changes in synaptic properties (plasticity)
3. to determine how synapses are specified and organized in the mammalian brain
4. to discover and test regulatory mechanisms governing synaptic function
The Siddiqui lab research program will generate fundamental knowledge of how neuronal circuits form and function and will open untapped lines of inquiry with strong potential to yield novel small molecule therapeutics targeting synapse organizers
ORCID ID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-6938-7827
GOOGLE SCHOLAR: https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=beJYmq0AAAAJ&hl=enorcid
PUBMED: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/?term=Tabrez+Siddiqui&sort=date
Contact Information
Prarie Neuro Research Centre, Kleysen Institute for Advanced Medicine
SR422-710 Willian Avenue
R3E 0Z3
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